126 lines
3.6 KiB
126 lines
3.6 KiB
Copyright (c) 2019, Hieromon Ikasamo
This software is released under the MIT License.
This sketch migrates the credentials past saved to EEPROM in ESP32 to
#error This sketch should be compiled with the board of ESP32.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <esp_partition.h>
#include <AutoConnectCredential.h>
#include <string.h>
* Retrieve saved credentials from eeprom partition.
* @param size Returns a size of the eeprom partition
* @return Retrieved data buffered pointer
uint8_t* retrievePartition(const char* name, size_t *size) {
const esp_partition_t* eeprom = esp_partition_find_first(ESP_PARTITION_TYPE_DATA, ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_ANY, name);
if (!eeprom) {
Serial.printf("%s partition not found\n", name);
return nullptr;
uint8_t* pBuf = (uint8_t*)malloc(eeprom->size);
if (!pBuf) {
Serial.printf("Insufficient memory to retrieve %s partition\n", name);
return nullptr;
if (esp_partition_read(eeprom, 0, (void*)pBuf, eeprom->size) != ESP_OK) {
Serial.printf("Unable to read %s partition\n", name);
return nullptr;
*size = eeprom->size;
return pBuf;
* Write credentials in retrieved buffer to Preferences.
* @param eeprom Retrieved data buffered pointer
* @param size Retrieved data size
void convert(const uint8_t* eeprom, const size_t size) {
uint8_t* ac_credt = (uint8_t*)strstr((const char*)eeprom, "AC_CREDT");
if (!ac_credt)
Serial.println("AC_CREDT identifier not found in the partition.");
else {
AutoConnectCredential credential;
uint8_t* bp = ac_credt + sizeof("AC_CREDT") - sizeof('\0');
uint8_t* dp = bp;
uint8_t entries = *dp++;
size_t dpSize = *dp++;
dpSize += *dp++ << 8;
Serial.printf("%d stored credential(s),size:%d\n", (int)entries, dpSize);
// Start EEPROM to Preferences migration
uint8_t* ep = dp + dpSize - 1;
for (int ec = 1; dp <= ep; ec++) {
// Skip erased entry
while (*dp == 0xff) {
if (++dp > ep)
if (dp > ep) // It reached at the end of the credential region.
// Obtain each entry and store to Preferences
station_config_t config;
Serial.printf("[%d] ", ec);
uint8_t ei = 0;
do {
config.ssid[ei++] = *dp;
} while (*dp++);
ei = 0;
do {
config.password[ei++] = *dp;
} while (*dp++);
Serial.printf("(%s)", config.password);
for (ei = 0; ei < sizeof(config.bssid); ei++) {
config.bssid[ei] = *dp++;
Serial.printf(":%02x", config.bssid[ei]);
config.dhcp = *dp++;
if (config.dhcp == STA_STATIC) {
for (uint8_t e = 0; e < sizeof(station_config_t::_config::addr) / sizeof(uint32_t); e++) {
uint32_t* ip = &config.config.addr[e];
*ip = 0;
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < sizeof(uint32_t); b++) {
*ip <<= 8;
*ip += *dp++;
bool rc = credential.save(&config);
Serial.println(rc ? " transferred" : " failed to save Preferences");
void setup() {
size_t eepromSize;
uint8_t* eepromData = retrievePartition("eeprom", &eepromSize);
if (eepromData) {
Serial.println("Start migration to Preferences");
convert(eepromData, eepromSize);
Serial.println("Transfer ended");
void loop() {}