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* AutoConnect for ESP8266.
* Copyright 2018, Hieromon Ikasamo.
* Licensed under The MIT License.
* An example sketch for an Arduino library for ESP8266 WLAN configuration
* via the Web interface. This sketch provides a conservation measures
* utility for saved credentials in EEPROM.
* By accessing the root path, you can see the list of currently saved
* credentials via the browser. Enter an entry number of the credential,
* that entry will be deleted from EEPROM.
* This sketch uses PageBuilder to support handling of operation pages.
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <AutoConnect.h>
#include <AutoConnectCredentail.h>
#include <PageBuilder.h>
ESP8266WebServer Server;
AutoConnect Portal(Server);
String viewCredential(PageArgument&);
String delCredential(PageArgument&);
* An HTML for the operation page.
* In PageBuilder, the token {{SSID}} contained in an HTML template below is
* replaced by the actual SSID due to the action of the token handler's
* 'viewCredential' function.
* The number of the entry to be deleted is passed to the function in the
* POST method.
static const char html[] PROGMEM = {
"<!DOCTYPE html>"
"<meta charset=\"UTF-8\" name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">"
"html {"
"a:link, a:visited {"
"background-color: #2f4f4f;"
"border-radius: 4px;"
"color: white;"
"display: inline-block;"
"padding: 6px 12px;"
"text-align: center;"
"text-decoration: none;"
"a:hover, a:active {"
"background-color: #132020;"
"<form action=\"/del\" method=\"POST\">"
"<p>Enter deleting entry:</p>"
"<input type=\"number\" min=\"1\" name=\"num\">"
"<input type=\"submit\">"
"<p><a href=\"" AUTOCONNECT_URI "\">Menu</a></p>"
// URL path as '/'
PageElement elmList(html, {{ "SSID", viewCredential }});
PageBuilder rootPage("/", { elmList });
// URL path as '/del'
PageElement elmDel("{{DEL}}", {{ "DEL", delCredential }});
PageBuilder delPage("/del", { elmDel });
// Retrieve the credential entries from EEPROM, Build the SSID line
// with the <li> tag.
String viewCredential(PageArgument& args) {
AutoConnectCredential ac;
struct station_config entry;
String content = "";
uint8_t count = ac.entries(); // Get number of entries.
for (int8_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Loads all entries.
ac.load(i, &entry);
// Build a SSID line of an HTML.
content += String("<li>") + String((char *)entry.ssid) + String("</li>");
// Returns the '<li>SSID</li>' container.
return content;
// Delete a credential entry, the entry to be deleted is passed in the
// request parameter 'num'.
String delCredential(PageArgument& args) {
AutoConnectCredential ac;
if (args.hasArg("num")) {
int8_t e = args.arg("num").toInt();
if (e > 0) {
struct station_config entry;
// If the input number is valid, delete that entry.
int8_t de = ac.load(e, &entry);
if (de > 0) {
ac.del((char *)entry.ssid);
// Returns the redirect response. The page is reloaded and its contents
// are updated to the state after deletion. It returns 302 response
// from inside this token handler.
Server.sendHeader("Location", String("http://") + Server.client().localIP().toString() + String("/"));
Server.send(302, "text/plain", "");
// Cancel automatic submission by PageBuilder.
return "";
void setup() {
rootPage.insert(Server); // Instead of Server.on("/", ...);
delPage.insert(Server); // Instead of Server.on("/del", ...);
if (Portal.begin()) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected: " + WiFi.localIP().toString());
void loop() {