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Hieromon Ikasamo 2dde5154d0 Supports ESP32 7 years ago

AutoConnect for ESP8266/ESP32

An Arduino library for ESP8266/ESP32 WLAN configuration at run time with web interface. Build Status


To the dynamic configuration for joining to WLAN with SSID and PSK accordingly. It an Arduino library united with ESP8266WebServer class of ESP8266 or WebServer class of ESP32. Easily implementing the Web interface constituting the WLAN for ESP8266/ESP32 WiFi connection. With this library to make a sketch easily which connects from ESP8266/ESP32 to the access point at runtime by the web interface without hard-coded SSID and password.


No need pre-coded SSID & password

It is no needed hard-coding in advance the SSID and Password into the sketch to connect between ESP8266/ESP32 and WLAN. You can input SSID & Password from a smartphone via the web interface at runtime.

Simple usage

AutoConnect control screen will be displayed automatically for establishing new connections. It aids by the captive portal when vested the connection cannot be detected.
By using the AutoConnect menu, to manage the connections convenient.

Store the established connection

The connection authentication data as credentials are saved automatically in EEPROM of ESP8266/ESP32 and You can select the past SSID from the AutoConnect menu.

Easy to embed in

AutoConnect can be embedded easily into your sketch, just "begin" and "handleClient".

Lives with the your sketches

The sketches which provide the web page using ESP8266WebServer/WebServer there is, AutoConnect will not disturb it. AutoConnect can use an already instantiated ESP8266WebServer object(ESP8266) or WebServer object(ESP32), or itself can assign it.

Supported hardware

Apply the Arduino core of the ESP8266 Community.

  • Generic ESP8266 modules
  • Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 (ESP-12)
  • ESP-WROOM-02
  • Heltec WiFi Kit 8
  • NodeMCU 0.9 (ESP-12) / NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E)
  • Olimex MOD-WIFI-ESP8266
  • SparkFun Thing
  • SweetPea ESP-210

Alter the platform applying the arduino-esp32 for the ESP32 modules.

  • ESP32Dev Board
  • SparkFun ESP32 Thing
  • Ai-Thinker NodeMCU-32S
  • Heltec WiFi Kit 32
  • M5Stack
  • And other ESP32 modules supported by the Additional Board Manager URLs of the Arduino-IDE.

Simple usage

The AutoConnect menu

How embed the AutoConnect to the sketches you have

Most simple approach to applying AutoConnect for the existing sketches, follow the below steps.

More usages and Documentation

Full documentation is available on, some quick links at the list:

Change log

[0.9.5] Aug. 27, 2018

  • Supports the espressif arduino-esp32 core.
  • Fixed that crash may occur if the number of stored credentials in the EEPROM is smaller than the number of found WiFi networks.

[0.9.4] May 5, 2018.

  • Automatically focus passphrase after selecting SSID with Configure New AP.
  • Supports AutoConnectConfig::autoReconnect option, it will scan the WLAN when it can not connect to the default SSID, apply the applicable credentials if it is saved, and try reconnecting.

[0.9.3] March 23, 2018.

  • Supports a static IP address assignment.

[0.9.2] March 19, 2018.

  • Improvement of string literal declaration with the examples, no library change.

[0.9.1] March 13, 2018.

  • A release of the stable.


License under the MIT license.