## AutoConnectButton
### Constructor
AutoConnectButton(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const String& action = String())
name The element name.
value Value of the element.
action Native code of the action script executed when the button is clicked.
### Public member variables
#### name
The element name.
#### value
Value of the element.
#### action
HTML native code of the action script to be executed when the button is clicked. It is mostly used with a JavaScript to activate a script.[^1]
[^1]:JavaScript can be inserted into a custom Web page using AutoConnectElement.
### Public member functions
#### typeOf
ACElement_t typeOf(void)
Returns type of AutoConnectElement.
**Return value**
## AutoConnectCheckbox
### Constructor
explicit AutoConnectCheckboxBasis(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* label = "", const bool checked = false)
name The element name.
value Value of the element.
label A label string prefixed to the checkbox.
check Checked state of the checkbox.
### Public member variables
#### name
The element name.
#### value
Value of the element. It becomes a value attribute of an HTML `#!html ` tag.
#### label
A label is an optional string. A label is always arranged on the right side of the checkbox. Specification of a label will generate an HTML `#!html ` tag with an `id` attribute. The checkbox and the label are connected by the id attribute.
#### checked
It indicates the checked status of the checkbox. The value of the checked checkbox element is packed in the query string and sent by submit.
### Public member functions
#### typeOf
ACElement_t typeOf(void)
Returns type of AutoConnectElement.
**Return value**
## AutoConnectElement
### Constructor
AutoConnectElement(const char* name = "", const char* value = "")
name The element name.
value Value of the element.
### Public member variables
#### name
The element name.
#### value
Value of the element. It is output as HTML as it is as a source for generating HTML code.
### Public member functions
#### typeOf
ACElement_t typeOf(void)
Returns type of AutoConnectElement.
**Return value**
## AutoConnectInput
### Constructor
AutoConnectInput(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* label = "", const char* pattern = "", const char* placeholder = "")
name The element name.
value Value of the element.
label Label string.
pattern Regular expression string for checking data format.
placeholder A placeholder string.
### Public member variables
#### name
The element name.
#### value
Value of the element. It becomes a value attribute of an HTML `#!html ` tag. An entered text in the custom Web page will be sent with a query string of the form. The value set before accessing the page is displayed as the initial value.
#### label
A label is an optional string. A label is always arranged on the left side of the input box. Specification of a label will generate an HTML `#!html ` tag with an id attribute. The input box and the label are connected by the id attribute.
#### pattern
A pattern specifies a regular expression that the input-box's value is checked against on form submission.
#### placeholder
A placeholder is an option string. Specification of a placeholder will generate a `placeholder` attribute for the input tag.
### Public member functions
#### typeOf
ACElement_t typeOf(void)
Returns type of AutoConnectElement.
**Return value**
#### isValid
bool isValid(void)
Evaluate the pattern as a regexp and return whether value matches. Always return true if the pattern is undefined.
**Return value**
true The value matches a pattern.
false The value does not match a pattern.
## AutoConnectRadio
### Constructor
AutoConnectRadio(const char* name = "", std::vector const& values = {}, const char* label = "", const ACArrange_t order = AC_Vertical, const uint8_t checked = 0)
name The element name.
values An array of values of the radio buttons. Specifies an [std::vector](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector) object.
label Label string.
order The direction to arrange the radio buttons.
checked An index to be checked in the radio buttons.
### Public member variables
#### name
The element name.
#### values
An array of String type for the radio button options. It is an initialization list can be used. The `#!html ` tags will be generated from each entry in the values.
#### label
A label is an optional string. A label will be arranged in the left or top of the radio buttons according to the [order](#order).
#### order
Specifies the direction to arrange the radio buttons. A label will place in the left or the top according to the **_order_**. It is a value of **ACArrange_t** type and accepts one of the following:
- **`AC_Horizontal`** : Horizontal arrangement.
- **`AC_Vertical`** : Vertical arrangement.
#### checked
Specifies the index number (1-based) of the **values** to be checked. If this parameter is not specified neither item is checked.
### Public member functions
#### typeOf
ACElement_t typeOf(void)
Returns type of AutoConnectElement.
**Return value**
#### add
void add(const String& value)
Adds an option for the radio button.
value An option string to add to the radio button.
#### check
void check(const String& value)
Indicates the check of the specified option for the radio buttons. You can use the **check** function for checking dynamically with arbitrary of the radio button.
value An option string to be checked.
#### empty
void empty(const size_t reserve = 0)
Clear the array of option strings that AutoConnectRadio has in the values. When a **_reserve_** parameter is specified, a vector container of that size is reserved.
reserve Reserved size of a container for the radio button option strings.
#### operator [ ]
const String& operator[] (const std::size_t n)
Returns a value string of the index specified by **_n_**.
n Index of values array to return. Its base number is 0.
**Return value**
A reference of a value string indexed by the specified the **n**.
#### size
size_t size(void)
Returns number of options which contained.
**Return value**
Number of options which contained.
#### value
const String& value(void) const
Returns current checked option of the radio buttons.
**Return value**
A String of an option current checked. If there is no checked option, a null string returned.
## AutoConnectSelect
### Constructor
AutoConnectSelect(const char* name = "", std::vector const& options = {}, const char* label = "")
name The element name.
options An array of options of the select element. Specifies an [std::vector](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector) object.
label Label string.
### Public member variables
#### name
The element name.
#### options
An array of String type for the selection options. It is an initialization list can be used. The `#!html ` tags will be generated from each entry in the options.
#### label
A label is an optional string. A label will be arranged in the top of the selection list.
### Public member functions
#### typeOf
ACElement_t typeOf(void)
Returns type of AutoConnectElement.
**Return value**
#### add
void add(const String& option)
Adds a selectable option string for the selection list.
option A string of selectable item to be contained in the select element.
#### empty
void empty(const size_t reserve = 0)
Clear the array of options list that AutoConnectSelect has in the options. When a **_reserve_** parameter is specified, a vector container of that size is reserved.
reserve Reserved size of a container for the options.
#### operator [ ]
const String& operator[] (const std::size_t n)
Returns an option string of the index specified by **_n_**.
n Index of options array to return. Its base number is 0.
**Return value**
A reference of a option string indexed by the specified the **n**.
#### size
size_t size(void)
Returns number of options which contained.
**Return value**
Number of options which contained.
## AutoConnectSubmit
### Constructor
AutoConnectSubmit(const char* name = "", const char* value ="", char* uri = "")
name The element name.
value The name of the submit button as an HTML `#!html ` tag, it will also be the label of the button.
uri Destination URI.
### Public member variables
#### name
The element name.
#### value
The name of the submit button. It will also be the label of the button.
#### uri
Destination URI.
### Public member functions
#### typeOf
ACElement_t typeOf(void)
Returns type of AutoConnectElement.
**Return value**
## AutoConnectText
### Constructor
AutoConnectText(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* style = "")
name The element name.
value String of content for the text element.
style A style code with CSS format that qualifiers the text.
### Public member variables
#### name
The element name.
#### value
A content string of the text element.
#### style
A style code with CSS format that qualifiers the text.
### Public member functions
#### typeOf
ACElement_t typeOf(void)
Returns type of AutoConnectElement.
**Return value**