/** * Declaration of AutoConnectElement extended classes using JSON. * @file AutoConnectElementJson.h * @author hieromon@gmail.com * @version 0.9.11 * @date 2019-06-25 * @copyright MIT license. */ #ifndef _AUTOCONNECTELEMENTJSON_H_ #define _AUTOCONNECTELEMENTJSON_H_ #include "AutoConnectElementBasis.h" #include <ArduinoJson.h> #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_ACTION "action" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_ARRANGE "arrange" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_CHECKED "checked" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_ELEMENT "element" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_FORMAT "format" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_LABEL "label" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_LABELPOSITION "labelposition" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_MENU "menu" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_NAME "name" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_OPTION "option" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_PATTERN "pattern" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_PLACEHOLDER "placeholder" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_POSTERIOR "posterior" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_SELECTED "selected" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_STORE "store" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_STYLE "style" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_TITLE "title" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_TYPE "type" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_URI "uri" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_KEY_VALUE "value" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_TYPE_ACBUTTON "ACButton" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_TYPE_ACCHECKBOX "ACCheckBox" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_TYPE_ACELEMENT "ACElement" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_TYPE_ACFILE "ACFile" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_TYPE_ACINPUT "ACInput" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_TYPE_ACRADIO "ACRadio" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_TYPE_ACSELECT "ACSelect" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_TYPE_ACSTYLE "ACStyle" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_TYPE_ACSUBMIT "ACSubmit" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_TYPE_ACTEXT "ACText" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_VALUE_BEHIND "behind" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_VALUE_BR "br" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_VALUE_EXTERNAL "extern" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_VALUE_FS "fs" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_VALUE_HORIZONTAL "horizontal" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_VALUE_INFRONT "infront" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_VALUE_NONE "none" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_VALUE_PAR "par" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_VALUE_SD "sd" #define AUTOCONNECT_JSON_VALUE_VERTICAL "vertical" /** * Make the Json types and functions consistent with the ArduinoJson * version. These declarations share the following type definitions: * - Difference between reference and proxy of JsonObject and JsonArray. * - Difference of check whether the parsing succeeded or not. * - The print function name difference. * - The buffer class difference. * - When PSRAM present, enables the buffer allocation it with ESP32 and * supported version. */ #if ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR<=5 #define ARDUINOJSON_CREATEOBJECT(doc) doc.createObject() #define ARDUINOJSON_CREATEARRAY(doc) doc.createArray() #define ARDUINOJSON_PRETTYPRINT(doc, out) ({ size_t s = doc.prettyPrintTo(out); s; }) #define ARDUINOJSON_PRINT(doc, out) ({ size_t s = doc.printTo(out); s; }) using ArduinoJsonObject = JsonObject&; using ArduinoJsonArray = JsonArray&; using ArduinoJsonBuffer = DynamicJsonBuffer; #define AUTOCONNECT_JSONBUFFER_PRIMITIVE_SIZE AUTOCONNECT_JSONBUFFER_SIZE #else #define ARDUINOJSON_CREATEOBJECT(doc) doc.to<JsonObject>() #define ARDUINOJSON_CREATEARRAY(doc) doc.to<JsonArray>() #define ARDUINOJSON_PRETTYPRINT(doc, out) ({ size_t s = serializeJsonPretty(doc, out); s; }) #define ARDUINOJSON_PRINT(doc, out) ({ size_t s = serializeJson(doc, out); s; }) using ArduinoJsonObject = JsonObject; using ArduinoJsonArray = JsonArray; #if defined(BOARD_HAS_PSRAM) && ((ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR==6 && ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MINOR>=10) || ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR>6) // JsonDocument is assigned to PSRAM by ArduinoJson's custom allocator. struct SpiRamAllocatorST { void* allocate(size_t size) { uint32_t caps; if (psramFound()) caps = MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM; else { caps = MALLOC_CAP_8BIT; AC_DBG("PSRAM not found, JSON buffer allocates to the heap.\n"); } return heap_caps_malloc(size,caps); } void deallocate(void* pointer) { heap_caps_free(pointer); } }; #define AUTOCONNECT_JSONBUFFER_PRIMITIVE_SIZE AUTOCONNECT_JSONPSRAM_SIZE using ArduinoJsonBuffer = BasicJsonDocument<SpiRamAllocatorST>; #else #define AUTOCONNECT_JSONBUFFER_PRIMITIVE_SIZE AUTOCONNECT_JSONDOCUMENT_SIZE using ArduinoJsonBuffer = DynamicJsonDocument; #endif #endif /** * AutoConnectAux element base with handling with JSON object. * Placed a raw text that can be added by user sketch. * @param name A name string for the element. * @param value A raw text to be placed in HTML. */ class AutoConnectElementJson : virtual public AutoConnectElementBasis { public: explicit AutoConnectElementJson(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const ACPosterior_t post = AC_Tag_None) : _defaultPost(AC_Tag_None) { AutoConnectElementBasis::name = String(name); AutoConnectElementBasis::value = String(value); AutoConnectElementBasis::post = post; } ~AutoConnectElementJson() {} virtual size_t getObjectSize(void) const; virtual bool loadMember(const JsonObject& json); virtual void serialize(JsonObject& json); template<typename T> T& as(void); protected: void _setMember(const JsonObject& json); void _serialize(JsonObject& json); protected: ACPosterior_t _defaultPost; }; /** * Button arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element with * handling JSON object. * Place a labeled button that can be added by user sketch. * @param name Button element name string. * @param value Value string with the placed button. * @param action Script code to execute with the button pushed. */ class AutoConnectButtonJson : public AutoConnectElementJson, public AutoConnectButtonBasis { public: explicit AutoConnectButtonJson(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const String& action = String(""), const ACPosterior_t post = AC_Tag_None) { AutoConnectButtonBasis::name = String(name); AutoConnectButtonBasis::value = String(value); AutoConnectButtonBasis::action = String(action); AutoConnectButtonBasis::post = post; _defaultPost = AC_Tag_None; } ~AutoConnectButtonJson() {} size_t getObjectSize(void) const override; bool loadMember(const JsonObject& json) override; void serialize(JsonObject& json) override; }; /** * Checkbox arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element with * handling JSON object. * Place a optionally labeled input-box that can be added by user sketch. * @param name Checkbox name string. * @param value A string value associated with the input. * @param label A label string that follows checkbox, optionally. * The label is placed on the right side of the checkbox. */ class AutoConnectCheckboxJson : public AutoConnectElementJson, public AutoConnectCheckboxBasis { public: explicit AutoConnectCheckboxJson(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* label = "", const bool checked = false, const ACPosition_t labelPosition = AC_Behind, const ACPosterior_t post = AC_Tag_BR) { AutoConnectCheckboxBasis::name = String(name); AutoConnectCheckboxBasis::value = String(value); AutoConnectCheckboxBasis::label = String(label); AutoConnectCheckboxBasis::checked = checked; AutoConnectCheckboxBasis::labelPosition = labelPosition; AutoConnectCheckboxBasis::post = post; _defaultPost = AC_Tag_BR; } ~AutoConnectCheckboxJson() {} size_t getObjectSize(void) const override; bool loadMember(const JsonObject& json) override; void serialize(JsonObject& json) override; }; /** * File-select input arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element. * Place a optionally labeled file-select input box that can be added by user sketch. * @param name File-select input box name string. * @param value A string value entered by the selected file name. * @param label A label string that follows file-select box, optionally. * The label is placed in front of file-select box. * @param store An enumuration value of store type. */ class AutoConnectFileJson : public AutoConnectElementJson, public AutoConnectFileBasis { public: explicit AutoConnectFileJson(const char* name = "", const char* value= "", const char* label = "", const ACFile_t store = AC_File_FS, const ACPosterior_t post = AC_Tag_BR) { AutoConnectFileBasis::name = String(name); AutoConnectFileBasis::value = String(value); AutoConnectFileBasis::label = String(label); AutoConnectFileBasis::store = store; AutoConnectFileBasis::post = post; _defaultPost = AC_Tag_BR; } ~AutoConnectFileJson() {} size_t getObjectSize(void) const override; bool loadMember(const JsonObject& json) override; void serialize(JsonObject& json) override; }; /** * Input-box arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element with * handling JSON object. * Place a optionally labeled input-box that can be added by user sketch. * @param name Input-box name string. * @param value Default value string. This string display as a placeholder by the default. * @param label A label string that follows Input-box, optionally. * The label is placed in front of Input-box. */ class AutoConnectInputJson : public AutoConnectElementJson, public AutoConnectInputBasis { public: explicit AutoConnectInputJson(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* label = "", const char* pattern = "", const char* placeholder = "", const ACPosterior_t post = AC_Tag_BR) { AutoConnectInputBasis::name = String(name); AutoConnectInputBasis::value = String(value); AutoConnectInputBasis::label = String(label); AutoConnectInputBasis::pattern = String(pattern); AutoConnectInputBasis::placeholder = String(placeholder); AutoConnectInputBasis::post = post; _defaultPost = AC_Tag_BR; } ~AutoConnectInputJson() {} size_t getObjectSize(void) const override; bool loadMember(const JsonObject& json) override; void serialize(JsonObject& json) override; }; /** * Radio-button arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element. * Place a group of radio-button items and selectable mark checked. * @param name Radio-button name string. * @param options Array of value collection. * @param label A label string that follows radio-buttons group. * @param checked Index of check marked item. */ class AutoConnectRadioJson : public AutoConnectElementJson, public AutoConnectRadioBasis { public: explicit AutoConnectRadioJson(const char* name = "", std::vector<String> const& values = {}, const char* label = "", const ACArrange_t order = AC_Vertical, const uint8_t checked = 0, const ACPosterior_t post = AC_Tag_BR) { AutoConnectRadioBasis::name = String(name); AutoConnectRadioBasis::_values = values; AutoConnectRadioBasis::label = String(label); AutoConnectRadioBasis::order = order; AutoConnectRadioBasis::checked = checked; AutoConnectRadioBasis::post = post; _defaultPost = AC_Tag_BR; } ~AutoConnectRadioJson() {} size_t getObjectSize(void) const override; bool loadMember(const JsonObject& json) override; void serialize(JsonObject& json) override; }; /** * Selection-box arrangement class, A part of AutoConnectAux element. * Place a optionally labeled Selection-box that can be added by user sketch. * @param name Input-box name string. * @param options String array display in a selection list. * @param label A label string that follows Input-box, optionally. * The label is placed in front of Input-box. */ class AutoConnectSelectJson : public AutoConnectElementJson, public AutoConnectSelectBasis { public: explicit AutoConnectSelectJson(const char* name = "", std::vector<String> const& options = {}, const char* label = "", const uint8_t selected = 0, const ACPosterior_t post = AC_Tag_BR) { AutoConnectSelectBasis::name = String(name); AutoConnectSelectBasis::_options = options; AutoConnectSelectBasis::label = String(label); AutoConnectSelectBasis::selected = selected; AutoConnectSelectBasis::post = post; _defaultPost = AC_Tag_BR; } ~AutoConnectSelectJson() {} size_t getObjectSize(void) const override; bool loadMember(const JsonObject& json) override; void serialize(JsonObject& json) override; }; /** * CSS style arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element. * This element assumes CSS that came into effect as a style code will * assign. Therefore, it does not check whether the CSS error exists in * the value set in AutoConnectStyle. Also, because AutoConnect inserts * its style code at the end of the style block on the AutoConnectAux * page, it may affect the AutoConnect web page elements. * @param name A style name string. * @param value CSS style code. */ class AutoConnectStyleJson : public AutoConnectElementJson, public AutoConnectStyleBasis { public: explicit AutoConnectStyleJson(const char* name = "", const char* value = "") { AutoConnectStyleBasis::name = String(name); AutoConnectStyleBasis::value = String(value); AutoConnectStyleBasis::post = AC_Tag_None; } ~AutoConnectStyleJson() {} bool loadMember(const JsonObject& json) override; void serialize(JsonObject& json) override; }; /** * Submit button arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element. * Place a submit button with a label that can be added by user sketch. * With the button behavior, the values of the elements contained in * the form would be sent using the post method. * @param name Button name string. * @param value Sending value string. * @param uri Sending uri string. */ class AutoConnectSubmitJson : public AutoConnectElementJson, public AutoConnectSubmitBasis { public: explicit AutoConnectSubmitJson(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* uri = "", const ACPosterior_t post = AC_Tag_None) { AutoConnectSubmitBasis::name = String(name); AutoConnectSubmitBasis::value = String(value); AutoConnectSubmitBasis::uri = String(uri); AutoConnectSubmitBasis::post = post; _defaultPost = AC_Tag_None; } ~AutoConnectSubmitJson() {} size_t getObjectSize(void) const override; bool loadMember(const JsonObject& json) override; void serialize(JsonObject& json) override; }; /** * Text arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element. * @param * @param name Text name string. * @param value Text value string. * @param style A string of style-code for decoration, optionally. * An arrangement text would be placed with <div> contains. A string * of style-codes are given for '<div style=>'. */ class AutoConnectTextJson : public AutoConnectElementJson, public AutoConnectTextBasis { public: explicit AutoConnectTextJson(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* style = "", const char* format = "", const ACPosterior_t post = AC_Tag_None) { AutoConnectTextBasis::name = String(name); AutoConnectTextBasis::value = String(value); AutoConnectTextBasis::style = String(style); AutoConnectTextBasis::format = String(format); AutoConnectTextBasis::post = post; _defaultPost = AC_Tag_None; } ~AutoConnectTextJson() {} size_t getObjectSize(void) const override; bool loadMember(const JsonObject& json) override; void serialize(JsonObject& json) override; }; /** * Casts only a class derived from the AutoConnectElement class to the * actual element class. */ template<> inline AutoConnectButtonJson& AutoConnectElementJson::as<AutoConnectButtonJson>(void) { if (typeOf() != AC_Button) AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf()); return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectButtonJson*>(this)); } template<> inline AutoConnectCheckboxJson& AutoConnectElementJson::as<AutoConnectCheckboxJson>(void) { if (typeOf() != AC_Checkbox) AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf()); return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectCheckboxJson*>(this)); } template<> inline AutoConnectFileJson& AutoConnectElementJson::as<AutoConnectFileJson>(void) { if (typeOf() != AC_File) AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf()); return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectFileJson*>(this)); } template<> inline AutoConnectInputJson& AutoConnectElementJson::as<AutoConnectInputJson>(void) { if (typeOf() != AC_Input) AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf()); return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectInputJson*>(this)); } template<> inline AutoConnectRadioJson& AutoConnectElementJson::as<AutoConnectRadioJson>(void) { if (typeOf() != AC_Radio) AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf()); return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectRadioJson*>(this)); } template<> inline AutoConnectSelectJson& AutoConnectElementJson::as<AutoConnectSelectJson>(void) { if (typeOf() != AC_Select) AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf()); return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectSelectJson*>(this)); } template<> inline AutoConnectStyleJson& AutoConnectElementJson::as<AutoConnectStyleJson>(void) { if (typeOf() != AC_Style) AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf()); return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectStyleJson*>(this)); } template<> inline AutoConnectSubmitJson& AutoConnectElementJson::as<AutoConnectSubmitJson>(void) { if (typeOf() != AC_Submit) AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf()); return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectSubmitJson*>(this)); } template<> inline AutoConnectTextJson& AutoConnectElementJson::as<AutoConnectTextJson>(void) { if (typeOf() != AC_Text) AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf()); return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectTextJson*>(this)); } #endif // _AUTOCONNECTELEMENTJSON_H_