#### [1.1.5] Apr. 15, 2020 - Changed the [bootUri behavior](advancedusage.md#assign-user-sketchs-home-path) to be an automatic pop-up at the captive portal. - Supports AutoConnect [menu configuration](menu.md#applying-the-active-menu-items). - Supports the built-in OTA feature as [AutoConnectOTA](otabrowser.md#updates-with-the-web-browserupdated-wv115). #### [1.1.4] Feb. 14, 2020 - Supports for overriding text of the menu items with user-defined labels. - Fixed the compiler warning with experimental WiFi mode of ESP8266. #### [1.1.3] Jan. 1, 2020 - Added AUTOCONNECT_NOUSE_JSON directive - Removed compiler warning of unused. - Improved Config New button behavior. - Fixed relocate Config New menu URI inability. #### [1.1.2] Oct. 22, 2019 - Fixed crash when no SSID found. - Fixed memory leak on destruction. #### [1.1.1] Oct. 17, 2019 - Fixed crash with unique_ptr deleting reference content. - Fixed disconnection request initialization missing. #### [1.1.0] Oct. 15, 2019 - Supports static IPs with the [**Configure new AP**](menu.md#configure-new-ap) menu. - Fixed compilation error that no member named 'printTo' with ArduinoJson 5. #### [1.0.3] Sept. 30, 2019 - Fixed a return of AutoConnectCredential::entries(). #### [1.0.2] Sept. 19, 2019 - Fixed compilation error that no member named 'success' with ArduinoJson 5. - Fixed SSID non termination. - Fixed compilation error that getBytesLength missing with ESP32. - Added #include directive restriction for EEPROM and ESP8266httpUpdate to FAQ. #### [1.0.1] Sept. 13, 2019 - Added a sketch for ESP32 boards that migrates credentials stored in EEPROM partition to the Preferences. #### [1.0.0] Sept. 7, 2019 - Supports Arduino core for ESP32 1.0.3. - Supports AutoConnectUpdate for the [OTA update](otaupdate.md). - Supports Preferences for saving credentials with ESP32 core 1.0.3 and later. **In ESP32, the credentials stored past in EEPROM will lose**. - Supports [**AutoConnectAux::isValid**](apiaux.md#isvalid) function. - Supports the [**global**](achandling.md#transfer-of-input-values-across-pages) attribute with all AutoConnectElements. #### [0.9.12] Aug. 18, 2019 - Fixed missing captive portal notifications on the newer mobile OS client. As a result of this fix, the SoftAP default IP address and gateway have been changed to ****. #### [0.9.11] July 13, 2019 - Supports new element as AutoConnectSytle that can insert the custom CSS into AutoConnectAux page. - Supports that `<br>` tags can now be added to each element. - Supports that able to place the checkbox label forward or backward. - Supports flicker signal output according to the status of WiFi_mode. - Supports [**AutoConnectAux::fetchElement**](apiaux.md#fetchelement) function to retrieve inputted element values via a custom Web page. - Fixed bug in AutoConnectCredential when offset is >256. #### [0.9.10] June 12, 2019 - Fixed the unable to get AutoConnectElemets values in the sketch with ESP8266 arduino core 2.5.2. #### [0.9.9] May 25, 2019 - Supports ESP8266 Arduino core 2.5.2. - Menu text/background color can be statically customized. - Added the [enable](achandling.md#enable-autoconnectelements-during-the-sketch-execution) attribute to the AutoConnectElements. This attribute gives dynamically change to the element activation during the sketch executing. - Added ID attribute to HTML tag generated from AutoConnectText. - Fixed the input box layout collapsed. - Fixed that the decoration of AutoConnectButton was disabled. - Fixed that the value remains even after clearing the option with AutoConnectSelect. - Fixed that an alignment violation exception occurred when loading AutoConnectAux described by JSON with PROGMEM attribute. #### [0.9.8] May 3, 2019 - Supports ArduinoJson 6.9.1 or later. - Supports allocating JsonDocument buffer to PSRAM on ESP32 with ArduinoJson 6.10.0 or later. - Supports [**operator`[]`**](apiaux.md#operator) as a shortcut for AutoConnectAux::getElement function. - Supports [**AutoConnectElement::as<T\>**](apielements.md#ast62) function to easily coding for conversion from an AutoConnectElement to an actual type. - Supports new element type [**AutoConnectFile**](acelements.md#autoconnectfile) and built-in file uploader. - Supports a [**format**](acelements.md#format) attribute with the AutoConnectText element. - Supports a [**selected**](acelements.md#selected) attribute with the AutoConnectSelect element. - Supports multiple element loading with [AutoConnectAux::loadElement](apiaux.md#loadelement). - Changed menu labels placement in source files structure. - Changed API interface of [**AutoConnect::where](api.md#where) function. - Fixed blank page responds with Configure new. - Fixed loading elements value missing. - Fixed losing elements in saveElement with ArduinoJson V6. - Fixed compile error with older than ESP8266 core 2.5.0. #### [0.9.7] Jan. 25, 2019 - Fixed crash in some environments. Thank you @ageurtse - Supports AutoConnect menu extension by user sketch with [**AutoConnectAux**](acintro.md). - Supports loading and saving of user-defined parameters with JSON format. - Improved the WiFi connection sequence at the first WiFi.begin. Even if [**AutoConnectConfig::autoReconnect**](apiconfig.md#autoreconnect) is disabled when SSID and PSK are not specified, it will use the information of the last established access point. The autoReconnect option will achieve trying the connect after a previous connection failed. - Supports the [**AutoConnectConfig::immediateStart**](apiconfig.md#immediatestart) option and immediately starts the portal without first trying WiFi.begin. You can start the captive portal at any time in combination with the [**AutoConnectConfig::autoRise**](apiconfig.md#autorise) option. - Improved boot uri after reset. [**AutoConnectConfig::bootUri**](apiconfig.md#booturi) can be specified either /_ac or HOME path as the uri to be accessed after invoking Reset from AutoConnect menu. - Improved source code placement of predefined macros. Defined common macros have been moved to ```AutoConnectDefs.h```. - Supports [**AutoConnectConfig::hostName**](apiconfig.md#hostname). It activates ```WiFi.hostname()```/```WiFi.setHostName()```. - Supports the captive portal time-out. It can be controlled by [**AutoConnectConfig::portalTimeout**](apiconfig.md#portaltimeout) and [**AutoConnectConfig::retainPortal**](apiconfig.md#retainportal). #### [0.9.6] Sept.27, 2018. - Improvement of RSSI detection for saved SSIDs. - Fixed disconnection SoftAP completely at the first connection phase of the [**AutoConnect::begin**](api.md#begin). #### [0.9.5] Aug.27, 2018. - Supports ESP32. - Fixed that crash may occur if the number of stored credentials in the EEPROM is smaller than the number of found WiFi networks. #### [0.9.4] May 5, 2018. - Automatically focus passphrase after selecting SSID with Configure New AP. - Supports [**AutoConnectConfig::autoReconnect**](apiconfig.md#autoreconnect) option, it will scan the WLAN when it can not connect to the default SSID, apply the applicable credentials if it is saved, and try reconnecting. #### [0.9.3] March 23, 2018. - Supports a static IP address assignment. #### [0.9.2] March 19, 2018. - Improvement of string literal declaration with the examples, no library change. #### [0.9.1] March 13, 2018. - A release of the stable.