# Project information site_name: 'AutoConnect for ESP8266/ESP32' site_description: 'ESP8266/ESP32 WLAN configuration at run time with web interface' site_author: 'Hieromon Ikasamo' site_url: 'https://Hieromon.github.io/AutoConnect/' # Docs docs_dir: 'mkdocs' # Pages nav: - 'Overview' : index.md - 'Getting started' : gettingstarted.md - 'AutoConnect menu' : menu.md - 'Basic usage' : basicusage.md - 'Advanced usage' : advancedusage.md - 'Custom Web pages' : - 'Custom Web pages with AutoConnect' : acintro.md - 'AutoConnectElements' : acelements.md - 'Custom Web pages with JSON' : acjson.md - 'Handling the custom Web pages' : achandling.md - 'OTA Updates' : - 'OTA Updates' : otaupdate.md - 'Using Web Browser' : otabrowser.md - 'Using Update Server' : otaserver.md - 'Library APIs' : - 'AutoConnect API': api.md - 'AutoConnectAux API': apiaux.md - 'AutoConnectConfig API': apiconfig.md - 'AutoConnectElements API': apielements.md - 'AutoConnectUpdate API' : apiupdate.md - 'Something extra': apiextra.md - 'Examples' : - 'How to embed': howtoembed.md - 'Tips for data conversion': datatips.md - 'Attach the menu': menuize.md - 'Custom Web pages w/o JSON': wojson.md - 'Appendix': - 'Inside AutoConnect::begin': lsbegin.md - 'Saved credentials access': credit.md - 'File upload handler': acupload.md - 'Custom colorized': colorized.md - 'Change label text': changelabel.md - 'FAQ' : faq.md - 'Change log' : changelog.md - 'License' : license.md # Repository repo_name: 'Hieromon/AutoConnect' repo_url: 'https://github.com/Hieromon/AutoConnect' edit_uri: "" # Copyright copyright: 'Copyright © 2018-2020 Hieromon Ikasamo' # Configuration use_directory_urls: false theme: name: 'material' feature: tabs: false language: 'en' logo: 'images/arduino-logo.svg' palette: primary: 'indigo' accent: 'indigo' font: text: 'Roboto' code: 'Roboto Mono' # Customization extra_css: - 'css/paragraph.css' - 'css/extra.css' - 'https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.6.3/css/all.css' extra_javascript: - 'js/gifffer.min.js' extra: social: - type: 'github' link: 'https://github.com/Hieromon' - type: 'twitter' link: 'https://twitter.com/hieromon' # Google Analytics google_analytics: - !!python/object/apply:os.getenv ["GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_KEY"] - 'auto' # Extensions markdown_extensions: - admonition - attr_list - def_list - codehilite: guess_lang: false linenums: none noclasses: true use_pygments: true pygments_style: monokai - footnotes - pymdownx.betterem: smart_enable: all - pymdownx.caret - pymdownx.critic - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.inlinehilite - pymdownx.magiclink - pymdownx.mark - pymdownx.smartsymbols - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tasklist - toc: permalink: true