Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
You can embed custom Web pages written in [**JSON**]( into AutoConnect without AutoConnectAux & AutoConnectElements declaration. Custom Web page declaration by JSON can embed in the sketch as a fixed string or can store in the external file such as SPIFFS for stream loading. Also, you can also load and save AutoConnectElements objects individually.[^1]
A JSON document for AutoConnect can contain the custom Web page multiple. You can further reduce the sketch process by loading multiple pages of JSON document at once.
To process the AutoConnectAux & AutoConnectElements written in the JSON is you need to install the [ArduinoJson version 5]( library.
: This is a Boolean value indicating whether to include the custom Web page in the AutoConnect menu. If the page only responds to another page and you want to prevent the direct use from the menu, you can exclude from the AutoConnect menu. If this key is false, it will not appear in the menu.
: Describe an array of JSON objects as *element_array*. It is a JSON object array of the [AutoConnectElements](#json-object-for-autoconnectelements) that make up the custom Web page.
### <i class="fa fa-copy"></i> Multiple custom Web pages declaration in JSON document
You can put declarations of multiple custom Web pages in one JSON document. In that case, declare an array of each custom Web page with JSON. The following JSON document contains three custom Web pages:
: - **value** : Specifies the button label. This value also applies to the `value` attribute of an HTML `button` tag.
: - **action** : Specifies an action to be fire on a mouse click on the button. It is mostly used with a JavaScript to activate a script, or it directly describes a JavaScript.
#### <i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> ACCheckbox
: - **value** : Specifies the value to be supplied to the checkbox. It will be packed in the query string as `name=value` when the checkbox is ticked.
: - **label** : Specifies a label of the checkbox. Its placement is always to the right of the checkbox.
: - **checked** : Specifies checking status as a **boolean** value. The value of the checked checkbox element is packed in the query string and sent.
: - **value** : Specifies the collection of radio buttons as an array element.
: - **label** : Specifies a label of the collection of radio buttons, not for each button. The arrangement will be the top or left side according to the `arrange`.
: - **arrange** : Specifies the orientation of the radio buttons. Its value accepts one of the following:<p>
!!! caution "AutoConnect's JSON parsing process is not perfect"
It is based on ArduinoJson, but the process is simplified to save memory. As a result, even if there is an unnecessary key, it will not be an error. It is ignored.
To load custom Web pages JSON document into AutoConnect, use the [load]( function of the AutoConnect class. Its JSON document can read must be completed as a description interpretable by the ArduinoJson library. It cannot import custom Web pages if there are syntax errors for the JSON. If you can not see the custom Web page prepared by JSON, you can check the syntax with [ArduinoJson Assistant]( It is useful for pre-checking.
const String aux = String("{\"title\":\"Page 1 title\",\"uri\":\"/page1\",\"menu\":true,\"element\":[{\"name\":\"caption\",\"type\":\"ACText\",\"value\":\"hello, world\"}]}");
// Loading from PROGMEM
const char aux[] PROGMEM = R"raw(
"title" : "Page 1 title",
"uri" : "/page1",
"menu" : true,
"element" : [
"name" : "caption",
"type" : "ACText",
"value" : "hello, world"
// Loading from Stream assumes "aux.json" file should be store in SPIFFS.
File aux ="aux.json", "r");
AutoConnect passes the given JSON document directly to the [**parseObject()**]( function of the ArduinoJson library for parsing. Therefore, the constraint of the parseObject() function is applied as it is in the parsing of the JSON document for the AutoConnect. That is, if the JSON string is read-only, duplicating the input string occurs and consumes more memory.
The sketch can persist AutoConnectElements as a JSON document and also uses [this function]( to save the values entered on the custom Web page. And you can reload the saved JSON document into AutoConnectElements as the field in a custom Web page using the [load function](