WebUpdate . ino , Example for the AutoConnect library .
Copyright ( c ) 2018 , Hieromon Ikasamo
https : //github.com/Hieromon/AutoConnect
This example is an implementation of a lightweight update feature
that updates the ESP8266 ' s firmware from your web browser . It embeds
ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer into the AutoConnect menu and can invoke the
firmware update UI via a Web browser .
You need a compiled sketch binary file to the actual update and can
retrieve it using Arduino - IDE menu : [ Sketck ] - > [ Export compiled binary ] .
Then you will find the . bin file in your sketch folder . Select the . bin
file on the update UI page to update the firmware .
Notes :
1. To experience this example , your client OS needs to be running a
service that can respond to multicast DNS .
For Mac OSX support is built in through Bonjour already .
For Linux , install Avahi .
For Windows10 , available since Windows10 1803 ( April 2018 Update / RS4 ) .
2. If you receive an error as follows :
Update error : ERROR [ 11 ] : Invalid bootstrapping state , reset ESP8266 before updating .
You need reset the module before sketch running .
Refer to https : //hieromon.github.io/AutoConnect/faq.html#hang-up-after-reset for details.
This software is released under the MIT License .
https : //opensource.org/licenses/MIT
# if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
# include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
# include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
# include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
# include <ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer.h>
# define HOSTIDENTIFY "esp8266"
# define mDNSUpdate(c) do { c.update(); } while(0)
using WebServerClass = ESP8266WebServer ;
using HTTPUpdateServerClass = ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer ;
# elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
# include <WiFi.h>
# include <WebServer.h>
# include <ESPmDNS.h>
# include "HTTPUpdateServer.h"
# define HOSTIDENTIFY "esp32"
# define mDNSUpdate(c) do {} while(0)
using WebServerClass = WebServer ;
using HTTPUpdateServerClass = HTTPUpdateServer ;
# endif
# include <WiFiClient.h>
# include <AutoConnect.h>
// This page for an example only, you can prepare the other for your application.
static const char AUX_AppPage [ ] PROGMEM = R " (
" title " : " Hello world " ,
" uri " : " / " ,
" menu " : true ,
" element " : [
" name " : " caption " ,
" type " : " ACText " ,
" value " : " <h2>Hello, world</h2> " ,
" style " : " text-align:center;color:#2f4f4f;padding:10px; "
} ,
" name " : " content " ,
" type " : " ACText " ,
" value " : " In this page, place the custom web page handled by the sketch application. "
) " ;
// Fix hostname for mDNS. It is a requirement for the lightweight update feature.
static const char * host = HOSTIDENTIFY " -webupdate " ;
# define HTTP_PORT 80
// ESP8266WebServer instance will be shared both AutoConnect and UpdateServer.
WebServerClass httpServer ( HTTP_PORT ) ;
# define USERNAME "user" //*< Replace the actual username you want */
# define PASSWORD "pass" //*< Replace the actual password you want */
// Declare AutoConnectAux to bind the HTTPWebUpdateServer via /update url
// and call it from the menu.
// The custom web page is an empty page that does not contain AutoConnectElements.
// Its content will be emitted by ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer.
HTTPUpdateServerClass httpUpdater ;
AutoConnectAux update ( " /update " , " Update " ) ;
// Declare AutoConnect and the custom web pages for an application sketch.
AutoConnect portal ( httpServer ) ;
AutoConnectAux hello ;
void setup ( ) {
delay ( 1000 ) ;
Serial . begin ( 115200 ) ;
Serial . println ( " \n Booting Sketch... " ) ;
// Prepare the ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer
// The /update handler will be registered during this function.
httpUpdater . setup ( & httpServer , USERNAME , PASSWORD ) ;
// Load a custom web page for a sketch and a dummy page for the updater.
hello . load ( AUX_AppPage ) ;
portal . join ( { hello , update } ) ;
if ( portal . begin ( ) ) {
if ( MDNS . begin ( host ) ) {
MDNS . addService ( " http " , " tcp " , HTTP_PORT ) ;
Serial . printf ( " HTTPUpdateServer ready! Open http://%s.local/update in your browser \n " , host ) ;
Serial . println ( " Error setting up MDNS responder " ) ;
void loop ( ) {
// Sketches the application here.
// Invokes mDNS::update and AutoConnect::handleClient() for the menu processing.
mDNSUpdate ( MDNS ) ;
portal . handleClient ( ) ;
delay ( 1 ) ;