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119 lines
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6 years ago
WebUpdate.ino, Example for the AutoConnect library.
Copyright (c) 2018, Hieromon Ikasamo
This example is an implementation of a lightweight update feature
that updates the ESP8266's firmware from your web browser. It embeds
ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer into the AutoConnect menu and can invoke the
firmware update UI via a Web browser.
You need a compiled sketch binary file to the actual update and can
retrieve it using Arduino-IDE menu: [Sketck] -> [Export compiled binary].
Then you will find the .bin file in your sketch folder. Select the.bin
file on the update UI page to update the firmware.
1. This example is valid only for ESP8266. In order to apply this
example to ESP32, it is necessary to quote WebUpdate.ino included
in the ESP32 arduino core distribution and implement a class
equivalent to ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer. But it is not included in this
2. To experience this example, your client OS needs to be running a
service that can respond to multicast DNS.
For Mac OSX support is built in through Bonjour already.
For Linux, install Avahi.
For Windows10, available since Windows10 1803(April 2018 Update/RS4).
3. If you receive an error as follows:
Update error: ERROR[11]: Invalid bootstrapping state, reset ESP8266 before updating.
You need reset the module before sketch running.
Refer to https://hieromon.github.io/AutoConnect/faq.html#hang-up-after-reset for details.
This software is released under the MIT License.
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer.h>
#include <AutoConnect.h>
// This page for an example only, you can prepare the other for your application.
static const char AUX_AppPage[] PROGMEM = R"(
"title": "Hello world",
"uri": "/",
"menu": true,
"element": [
"name": "caption",
"type": "ACText",
"value": "<h2>Hello, world</h2>",
"style": "text-align:center;color:#2f4f4f;padding:10px;"
"name": "content",
"type": "ACText",
"value": "In this page, place the custom web page handled by the sketch application."
// Fix hostname for mDNS. It is a requirement for the lightweight update feature.
static const char* host = "esp8266-webupdate";
#define HTTP_PORT 80
// ESP8266WebServer instance will be shared both AutoConnect and UpdateServer.
ESP8266WebServer httpServer(HTTP_PORT);
// Declare AutoConnectAux to bind the HTTPWebUpdateServer via /update url
// and call it from the menu.
// The custom web page is an empty page that does not contain AutoConnectElements.
// Its content will be emitted by ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer.
ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer httpUpdater;
AutoConnectAux update("/update", "Update");
// Declare AutoConnect and the custom web pages for an application sketch.
AutoConnect portal(httpServer);
AutoConnectAux hello;
void setup() {
Serial.println("\nBooting Sketch...");
// Prepare the ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer
// The /update handler will be registered during this function.
// Load a custom web page for a sketch and a dummy page for the updater.
portal.join({ hello, update });
if (portal.begin()) {
if (MDNS.begin(host)) {
MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", HTTP_PORT);
Serial.printf("HTTPUpdateServer ready! Open http://%s.local/update in your browser\n", host);
Serial.println("Error setting up MDNS responder");
void loop() {
// Sketch the application here.
// Invokes mDNS::update and AutoConnect::handleClient() for the menu processing.
void setup() {}
void loop() {}