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"title" : "MQTT Setting" ,
"uri" : "/mqtt_setting" ,
"menu" : true ,
"element" : [
"name" : "header" ,
"type" : "ACText" ,
"value" : "<h2>MQTT broker settings</h2>" ,
"style" : "text-align:center;color:#2f4f4f;"
} ,
"name" : "caption" ,
"type" : "ACText" ,
"value" : "Publishing the WiFi signal strength to MQTT channel. RSSI value of ESP8266 to the channel created on ThingSpeak" ,
"style" : "font-family:serif;color:#4682b4;"
} ,
"name" : "mqttserver" ,
"type" : "ACInput" ,
"value" : "" ,
"placeholder" : "MQTT broker server" ,
"label" : "Server"
} ,
"name" : "channelid" ,
"type" : "ACInput" ,
"value" : "" ,
"label" : "Channel ID"
} ,
"name" : "userkey" ,
"type" : "ACInput" ,
"value" : "NRTFYGJ6TJFGX4RC" ,
"label" : "User Key"
} ,
"name" : "apikey" ,
"type" : "ACInput" ,
"value" : "" ,
"label" : "API Key"
} ,
"name" : "period" ,
"type" : "ACRadio" ,
"label" : "Update period" ,
"value" : [
"30 sec." ,
"60 sec." ,
"180 sec."
] ,
"arrange" : "vertical" ,
"checked" : 1
} ,
"name" : "newline" ,
"type" : "ACElement" ,
"value" : "<hr>"
} ,
"name" : "uniqueid" ,
"type" : "ACCheckbox" ,
"value" : "unique" ,
"label" : "Use APID unique" ,
"checked" : false
} ,
"name" : "hostname" ,
"type" : "ACInput" ,
"label" : "ESP host name" ,
"value" : ""
} ,
"name" : "save" ,
"type" : "ACSubmit" ,
"value" : "Save&Start" ,
"uri" : "/mqtt_save"
} ,
"name" : "discard" ,
"type" : "ACSubmit" ,
"value" : "Discard" ,
"uri" : "/"