You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

323 lines
12 KiB

* Declaration of AutoConnectElement basic class.
* @file AutoConnectElementBasis.h
* @author
* @version 0.9.8
* @date 2019-03-11
* @copyright MIT license.
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "AutoConnectUpload.h"
typedef enum {
AC_Unknown = -1
} ACElement_t; /**< AutoConnectElement class type */
typedef enum {
} ACArrange_t; /**< The element arrange order */
typedef enum {
AC_File_FS = 0,
} ACFile_t; /**< AutoConnectFile media type */
* AutoConnectAux element base.
* Placed a raw text that can be added by user sketch.
* @param name A name string for the element.
* @param value A raw text to be placed in HTML.
class AutoConnectElementBasis {
explicit AutoConnectElementBasis(const char* name = "", const char* value = "") : name(String(name)), value(String(value)), enable(true) {
_type = AC_Element;
virtual ~AutoConnectElementBasis() {}
virtual const String toHTML(void) const { return enable ? value : String(""); }
ACElement_t typeOf(void) const { return _type; }
template<typename T>
T& as(void);
String name; /**< Element name */
String value; /**< Element value */
bool enable; /**< Enabling the element */
ACElement_t _type; /**< Element type identifier */
* Button arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element.
* Place a labeled button that can be added by user sketch.
* @param name Button element name string.
* @param value Value string with the placed button.
* @param action Script code to execute with the button pushed.
class AutoConnectButtonBasis : virtual public AutoConnectElementBasis {
explicit AutoConnectButtonBasis(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const String& action = String("")) : AutoConnectElementBasis(name, value), action(String(action)) {
_type = AC_Button;
~AutoConnectButtonBasis() {}
const String toHTML(void) const override;
String action;
* Checkbox arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element.
* Place a optionally labeled input-box that can be added by user sketch.
* @param name Checkbox name string.
* @param value A string value associated with the input.
* @param label A label string that follows checkbox, optionally.
* The label is placed on the right side of the checkbox.
class AutoConnectCheckboxBasis : virtual public AutoConnectElementBasis {
explicit AutoConnectCheckboxBasis(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* label = "", const bool checked = false) : AutoConnectElementBasis(name, value), label(String(label)), checked(checked) {
_type = AC_Checkbox;
virtual ~AutoConnectCheckboxBasis() {}
const String toHTML(void) const override;
String label; /**< A label for a subsequent input box */
bool checked; /**< The element should be pre-selected */
* File-select input arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element.
* Place a optionally labeled file-select input box that can be added by user sketch.
* @param name File-select input box name string.
* @param value A string value entered by the selected file name.
* @param label A label string that follows file-select box, optionally.
* The label is placed in front of file-select box.
class AutoConnectFileBasis : virtual public AutoConnectElementBasis {
explicit AutoConnectFileBasis(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* label = "", const ACFile_t store = AC_File_FS) : AutoConnectElementBasis(name, value), label(String(label)), store(store) {
_type = AC_File;
virtual ~AutoConnectFileBasis() {}
const String toHTML(void) const override;
bool attach(const ACFile_t store);
void detach(void) { _upload.reset(); }
AutoConnectUploadHandler* upload(void) const { return _upload.get(); }
String label; /**< A label for a subsequent input box */
ACFile_t store; /**< Type of file store */
String mimeType; /**< Uploading file mime type string */
size_t size; /**< Total uploaded bytes */
std::unique_ptr<AutoConnectUploadHandler> _upload;
* Input-box arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element.
* Place a optionally labeled input-box that can be added by user sketch.
* @param name Input-box name string.
* @param value Default value string. This string display as a placeholder by the default.
* @param label A label string that follows Input-box, optionally.
* The label is placed in front of Input-box.
class AutoConnectInputBasis : virtual public AutoConnectElementBasis {
explicit AutoConnectInputBasis(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* label = "", const char* pattern = "", const char* placeholder = "") : AutoConnectElementBasis(name, value), label(String(label)), pattern(String(pattern)), placeholder(String(placeholder)) {
_type = AC_Input;
virtual ~AutoConnectInputBasis() {}
const String toHTML(void) const override;
bool isValid(void) const;
String label; /**< A label for a subsequent input box */
String pattern; /**< Format pattern to aid validation of input value */
String placeholder; /**< Pre-filled placeholder */
* Radio-button arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element.
* Place a group of radio-button items and selectable mark checked.
* @param name Radio-button name string.
* @param options Array of value collection.
* @param label A label string that follows radio-buttons group.
* @param checked Index of check marked item.
class AutoConnectRadioBasis : virtual public AutoConnectElementBasis {
explicit AutoConnectRadioBasis(const char* name = "", std::vector<String> const& values = {}, const char* label = "", const ACArrange_t order = AC_Vertical, const uint8_t checked = 0) : AutoConnectElementBasis(name, ""), label(label), order(order), checked(checked), _values(values) {
_type = AC_Radio;
virtual ~AutoConnectRadioBasis() {}
const String toHTML(void) const override;
const String& operator[] (const std::size_t n) const { return at(n); }
void add(const String& value) { _values.push_back(String(value)); }
6 years ago
size_t size(void) const { return _values.size(); }
const String& at(const std::size_t n) const { return; }
void check(const String& value);
void empty(const size_t reserve = 0);
const String& value(void) const;
String label; /**< A label for a subsequent radio buttons */
ACArrange_t order; /**< layout order */
uint8_t checked; /**< Index of check marked item */
std::vector<String> _values; /**< Items in a group */
* Selection-box arrangement class, A part of AutoConnectAux element.
* Place a optionally labeled Selection-box that can be added by user sketch.
* @param name Input-box name string.
* @param options String array display in a selection list.
* @param label A label string that follows Input-box, optionally.
* The label is placed in front of Input-box.
class AutoConnectSelectBasis : virtual public AutoConnectElementBasis {
explicit AutoConnectSelectBasis(const char* name = "", std::vector<String> const& options = {}, const char* label = "", const uint8_t selected = 0) : AutoConnectElementBasis(name, ""), label(String(label)), selected(selected), _options(options) {
_type = AC_Select;
virtual ~AutoConnectSelectBasis() {}
const String toHTML(void) const override;
const String& operator[] (const std::size_t n) const { return at(n); }
void add(const String& option) { _options.push_back(String(option)); }
6 years ago
size_t size(void) const { return _options.size(); }
const String& at(const std::size_t n) const { return; }
void select(const String& value);
void empty(const size_t reserve = 0);
const String& value(void) const;
String label; /**< A label for a subsequent input box */
uint8_t selected; /**< Index of checked value (1-based) */
std::vector<String> _options; /**< List options array */
* Submit button arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element.
* Place a submit button with a label that can be added by user sketch.
* With the button behavior, the values of the elements contained in
* the form would be sent using the post method.
* @param name Button name string.
* @param value Sending value string.
* @param uri Sending uri string.
class AutoConnectSubmitBasis : virtual public AutoConnectElementBasis {
explicit AutoConnectSubmitBasis(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* uri = "") : AutoConnectElementBasis(name, value), uri(String(uri)) {
_type = AC_Submit;
virtual ~AutoConnectSubmitBasis() {}
const String toHTML(void) const override;
String uri; /**< An url of submitting to */
* Text arrangement class, a part of AutoConnectAux element.
* @param
* @param name Text name string.
* @param value Text value string.
* @param style A string of style-code for decoration, optionally.
* @param format C string that contains the value to be formatted.
* An arrangement text would be placed with <div> contains. A string
* of style-codes are given for '<div style=>'.
class AutoConnectTextBasis : virtual public AutoConnectElementBasis {
explicit AutoConnectTextBasis(const char* name = "", const char* value = "", const char* style = "", const char* format = "") : AutoConnectElementBasis(name, value), style(String(style)), format(String(format)) {
_type = AC_Text;
virtual ~AutoConnectTextBasis() {}
const String toHTML(void) const override;
String style; /**< CSS style modifier native code */
String format; /**< C string that contains the text to be written */
* Casts only a class derived from the AutoConnectElement class to the
* actual element class.
inline AutoConnectButtonBasis& AutoConnectElementBasis::as<AutoConnectButtonBasis>(void) {
if (typeOf() != AC_Button)
AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf());
return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectButtonBasis*>(this));
inline AutoConnectCheckboxBasis& AutoConnectElementBasis::as<AutoConnectCheckboxBasis>(void) {
if (typeOf() != AC_Checkbox)
AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf());
return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectCheckboxBasis*>(this));
inline AutoConnectFileBasis& AutoConnectElementBasis::as<AutoConnectFileBasis>(void) {
if (typeOf() != AC_File)
AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf());
return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectFileBasis*>(this));
inline AutoConnectInputBasis& AutoConnectElementBasis::as<AutoConnectInputBasis>(void) {
if (typeOf() != AC_Input)
AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf());
return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectInputBasis*>(this));
inline AutoConnectRadioBasis& AutoConnectElementBasis::as<AutoConnectRadioBasis>(void) {
if (typeOf() != AC_Radio)
AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf());
return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectRadioBasis*>(this));
inline AutoConnectSelectBasis& AutoConnectElementBasis::as<AutoConnectSelectBasis>(void) {
if (typeOf() != AC_Select)
AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf());
return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectSelectBasis*>(this));
inline AutoConnectSubmitBasis& AutoConnectElementBasis::as<AutoConnectSubmitBasis>(void) {
if (typeOf() != AC_Submit)
AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf());
return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectSubmitBasis*>(this));
inline AutoConnectTextBasis& AutoConnectElementBasis::as<AutoConnectTextBasis>(void) {
if (typeOf() != AC_Text)
AC_DBG("%s mismatched type as <%d>\n", name.c_str(), (int)typeOf());
return *(reinterpret_cast<AutoConnectTextBasis*>(this));