* Declaration of AutoConnectOTA class.
* The AutoConnecOTA class is a class for web updating a Sketch binary
* via OTA and implements with an AutoConnectAux page handler that
* inherits from AutoConnectUploadHandler.
* By overriding the _write function of AutoConnectUploadHandler to
* write the executable binary using the Update class, it can update
* the module firmware in synchronization with the upload of the sketch
* binary file.
* @file AutoConnectOTA.h
* @author hieromon@gmail.com
* @version 1.1.5
* @date 2020-04-09
* @copyright MIT license.
#include <memory>
#include "AutoConnect.h"
#include "AutoConnectUpload.h"
class AutoConnectOTA : public AutoConnectUploadHandler {
// Updating process status
typedef enum {
OTA_IDLE, /**< Update process has not started */
OTA_START, /**< Update process has started */
OTA_PROGRESS, /**< Update process in progress */
OTA_SUCCESS, /**< A binary updater has uploaded fine */
OTA_RIP, /**< Ready for module restart */
OTA_FAIL /**< Failed to save binary updater by Update class */
} AC_OTAStatus_t;
AutoConnectOTA() : _status(OTA_IDLE), _tickerPort(-1), _tickerOn(LOW) {}
void attach(AutoConnect& portal);
String error(void) const { return _err; } /**< Returns current error string */
void menu(const bool post) { _auxUpdate->menu(post); }; /**< Enabel or disable arranging a created AutoConnectOTA page in the menu. */
AC_OTAStatus_t status(void) const { return _status; } /**< Return current error status of the Update class */
void setTicker(int8_t pin, uint8_t on) { _tickerPort = pin, _tickerOn = on; } /**< Set ticker LED port */
// Attribute definition of the element to be placed on the update page.
typedef struct {
const ACElement_t type;
const char* name; /**< Name to assign to AutoConnectElement */
const char* value; /**< Value owned by an element */
const char* peculiar; /**< Specific ornamentation for the element */
} ACElementProp_t;
// Attributes to treat included update pages as AutoConnectAux.
typedef struct {
const char* uri; /**< URI for the page */
const char* title; /**< Menu title of update page */
const bool menu; /**< Whether to display in menu */
const ACElementProp_t* element;
} ACPage_t;
template<typename T, size_t N> constexpr
size_t lengthOf(T(&)[N]) noexcept { return N; }
void _buildAux(AutoConnectAux* aux, const AutoConnectOTA::ACPage_t* page, const size_t elementNum);
bool _open(const char* filename, const char* mode) override;
size_t _write(const uint8_t *buf, const size_t size) override;
void _close(const HTTPUploadStatus status) override;
String _updated(AutoConnectAux& result, PageArgument& args);
std::unique_ptr<AutoConnectAux> _auxUpdate; /**< An update operation page */
std::unique_ptr<AutoConnectAux> _auxResult; /**< An update result page */
void _setError(void);
AC_OTAStatus_t _status; /**< Status for update progress */
int8_t _tickerPort; /**< GPIO for flicker */
uint8_t _tickerOn; /**< A signal for flicker turn on */
String _binName; /**< An updater file name */
String _err; /**< Occurred error stamp */
static const ACPage_t _pageUpdate PROGMEM;
static const ACElementProp_t _elmUpdate[] PROGMEM;
static const ACPage_t _pageResult PROGMEM;
static const ACElementProp_t _elmResult[] PROGMEM;