Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">uri</span><spanclass="apidesc">URI of this custom Web Page.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">title</span><spanclass="apidesc">Page title of this custom Web page. It will appear on the auto connection menu and at the top of that page.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">menu</span><spanclass="apidesc">Specifies whether to display this page on menu.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">addons</span><spanclass="apidesc">Reference to AutoConnectElement collection.</span></dt>
Returns a reference to the element specified by **name**. An operator `[]` is a shortcut for [getElement]( function with the reference casting. Unlike getElement, which returns a pointer to that element, an operator `[]` returns a reference to that element. You also need to cast the return value to the actual type, just like the getElement function.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">addon</span><spanclass="apidesc">Reference of AutoConnectElements. Specifies one of the AutoConnectElements classes.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">addons</span><spanclass="apidesc">An array list of reference of AutoConnectElements. The [list initialization]( with braced-init-list of the [std::vector]( can be used for the addons parameter cause the actual definition of type **AutoConnectElementVT** is `std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<AutoConnectElement>>`.</span></dd>
Set to require authentication with access to a page. When you access a page that requires authentication, HTTP authentication will be performed according to the scheme specified with the auth parameter.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">auth</span><spanclass="apidesc">Specifies authentication scheme with the following enumeration value.
Retrieve the values of the AutoConnectElements on the custom Web page. Refer to [how to use the fetchElement](
Get a registered AutoConnectElement as specified name. If **T** is specified as an actual type of AutoConnectElements, it returns a reference to that instance.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">T</span><spanclass="apidesc">Actual type name of AutoConnectElements as [AutoConnectButton](, [AutoConnectCheckbox](, [AutoConnectElement](, [AutoConnectFile](, [AutoConnectInput](, [AutoConnectRadio](, [AutoConnectSelect](, [AutoConnectSubmit](, [AutoConnectText](</span></dd>
<dd>A reference to std::vector of reference to AutoConnecctElements.</dd>
The getElements returns a reference to std::vector of reference to AutoConnecctElements. This function is provided to handle AutoConnectElemets owned by AutoConnectAux in bulk, and you can use each method of std::vector for a return value.
// An example of getting type and name of all AutoConnectElements registered in AutoConnectAux.
AutoConnectAux aux;
// some code here...
AutoConnectElementVt& elements = aux.getElements();
for (AutoConnectElement& elm : elements) {
Serial.printf("name<%s> as type %d\n",, (int)elm.typeOf());
Returns whether embedded in the menu or not. The isMenu is a function that complements the [menu]( function.
<dt>**Return value**</dt>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">true</span><spanclass="apidesc">The custom Web page has been incorporated into the AutoConnect menu as a menu item.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">false</span><spanclass="apidesc">This custom Web page is not currently a menu item.</span></dd>
### <i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> isValid
bool isValid(void)
Performs [validation]( of all [AutoConnectInput]( elements owned by AutoConnectAux and returns the result. The isValid function will return the true even if the AutoConnectAux does not own AutoConnectInputs.
<dt>**Return value**</dt>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">true</span><spanclass="apidesc">Validation is successful. A value of all AutoConnectInputs match with each pattern.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">false</span><spanclass="apidesc">Some elements failed validation.</span></dd>
Load all AutoConnectElements elements from JSON document into AutoConnectAux as custom Web pages. The JSON document specified by the load function must be the [document structure]( of AutoConnectAux. Its JSON document can describe multiple pages as an array.
!!! hint "Load multiple custom Web pages separately"
Multiple custom Web pages can be loaded at once with JSON as an array. But it will consume a lot of memory. By loading a JSON document by page as much as possible, you can reduce memory consumption.
Load specified element from JSON document into AutoConnectAux. The JSON document specified by the loadElement function must be the [AutoConnectElement document structure]( When loading from a JSON document that describes multiple elements, its description must be an array syntax.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">in</span><spanclass="apidesc">Specifies the JSON document to be load. The load function can input the following objects.
- String : Read-only String
- PROGMEM : Character array contained in the flash
- Stream : An entity that inherits stream class, generally SPIFFS or SD.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">name</span><spanclass="apidesc">Specifies the name to be load. If the name is not specified, the loadElement function will load all elements contained in the JSON document.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">names</span><spanclass="apidesc"> Specifies an array list of String indicating the name of the element to be loaded. The [list initialization]( with braced-init-list of the [std::vector]( can be used.</span></dd>
Please note that the JSON document that is the input for loadElement is an array syntax of AutoConnectElements when there are multiple elements. For example, the following JSON document has a syntax error:
Set or reset the display as menu item for this AutoConnectAux. This function programmatically manipulates the menu parameter of the [AutoConnectAux constructor](
<dd><spanclass="apidef">handler</span><spanclass="apidesc">A function that behaves when a request to the AutoConnectAux page occurs. AuxHandlerFunctionT type is defined by the following declaration.<pclass="apidesc">`String handler(AutoConnectAux&, PageArgument&)`</p></span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">order</span><spanclass="apidesc">Specifies when the handler is called with the following enumeration value.</span>
Called before AutoConnect generates the HTML of the page. You set the value of AutoConnectElements in the handler then its value will be displayed on the page.
: - **AC_EXIT_LATER** :
Called after AutoConnect generates the HTML of the page. You can append to HTML generated by AutoConnect.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">T</span><spanclass="apidesc">Specifies a class name of the custom uploader inherited from [AutoConnectUploadHandler]( class. Refer to the [appendix]( for details.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">handler</span><spanclass="apidesc">Specifies the custom uploader inherited from [AutoConnectUploadHandler]( class. Refer to the [appendix]( for details.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">uploadFunc</span><spanclass="apidesc">A function that behaves when request to upload with the AutoConnectAux page. UploadFuncT type is defined by the following declaration.<pclass="apidesc">`void(const String&, const HTTPUpload&)`</p><p>A data structure of the upload file as HTTPUpload. It is defined in the ESP8266WebServer (the WebServer for ESP32) library as follows:
typedef struct {
HTTPUploadStatus status;
String filename;
String name;
String type;
size_t totalSize;
size_t currentSize;
size_t contentLength;
uint8_t buf[HTTP_UPLOAD_BUFLEN];
} HTTPUpload;
</p>Refer to '[To upload to a device other than Flash or SD](' in section [appendix]( for details.</span></dd>
Release a specified AutoConnectElement from AutoConnectAux. The release function is provided to dynamically change the structure of the custom Web pages with the Sketch. By combining the release function and the [add]( function or the [loadElement]( function, the Sketch can change the style of the custom Web page according to its behavior.
Write elements of AutoConnectAux to the stream. The saveElement function outputs the specified AutoConnectElements as a JSON document using the [prettyPrintTo]( function of the [ArduinoJson]( library.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">out</span><spanclass="apidesc">Output stream to be output. SPIFFS, SD also Serial can be specified generally.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">names</span><spanclass="apidesc">The array of the name of AutoConnectElements to be output. If the names parameter is not specified, all AutoConnectElements registered in AutoConnectAux are output.</span></dd>
<dt>**Return value**</dt>
<dd>The number of bytes written.</dd>
!!! note "The output format is pretty"
The saveElement function outputs a prettified JSON document.
!!! Info "It is not complementary with loadElement"
The saveElement function which missing the names parameter without name list to be saved that saves an entire AutoConnectAux element, not just AutoConnectElements. Its saved JSON document is not a complementary input to the loadElement function. The JSON document describing AutoConnectAux saved without the names parameter must be loaded by the [AutoConnectAux::load]( function or [AutoConnect::load]( function.
Sets the value of the specified AutoConnectElement. If values is specified as a *std::vector* of String, the element that can set the values is the [AutoConnectRadio]( or the [AutoConnectSelect](
<dd><spanclass="apidef">name</span><spanclass="apidesc">Specifies the name of the AutoConnectElements that you want to set the value.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">value</span><spanclass="apidesc">Specifies the value to be set.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">values</span><spanclass="apidesc">Specifies a reference of a *std::vector* of String. It contains the values of the AutoConnectRadio or the AutoConnectSelect.</span></dd>
<dt>**Return value**</dt>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">true</span><spanclass="apidesc">The value has been set.</span></dd>
<dd><spanclass="apidef">false</span><spanclass="apidesc">AutoConnectElements with the specified name are not registered. Or the type of the value is not consistent with the specified AutoConnectElements.</span></dd>
!!! hint "You can directly access the value member variable."
If you are gripping with the Sketch to the AutoConnectElements of the target that sets the value, you can access the value member variable directly. The following sketch code has the same effect.
AutoConnectText& text = aux.getElement<AutoConnectText>("TEXT_FIELD");
text.value = "New value";
The difference between the setElementValue and the value access with the [getElement]( is the certainty of the registration state for the element. The [getElement]( returns an empty object if the element is not registered then a sketch assigns the value to it. May occur unexpected results and crashes. You should use the setElementValue if its registration is unsettled.
Set the title string of the custom Web page. This title will be displayed as the menu title of the custom Web page.
<dd><spanclass="apidef">title</span><spanclass="apidesc">Title string to be display.</span></dd>
!!! caution "Not the menu title"
The setTitle function is not set for the AutoConnect menu title. The effect of this function is that custom Web page only. To change the AutoConnect menu title use [AutoConnectConfig::title](