ESP8266 / ESP32 publish the RSSI as the WiFi signal strength to ThingSpeak channel .
This example is for explaining how to use the AutoConnect library .
In order to execute this example , the ThingSpeak account is needed . Sing up
for New User Account and create a New Channel via My Channels .
For details , please refer to the project page .
https : //hieromon.github.io/AutoConnect/examples/index.html#used-with-mqtt-as-a-client-application
Also , this example uses AutoConnectAux menu customization which stored in SPIFFS .
To evaluate this example , you upload the contents as mqtt_setting . json of
the data folder with MkSPIFFS Tool ( " ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload " in Tools menu
in Arduino IDE ) .
This example is based on the thinkspeak . com environment as of Dec . 20 , 2018.
Copyright ( c ) 2018 Hieromon Ikasamo .
This software is released under the MIT License .
https : //opensource.org/licenses/MIT
# if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
# include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
# include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
# define GET_CHIPID() (ESP.getChipId())
# elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
# include <WiFi.h>
# include <WebServer.h>
# include <SPIFFS.h>
# include <HTTPClient.h>
# define GET_CHIPID() ((uint16_t)(ESP.getEfuseMac()>>32))
# endif
# include <FS.h>
# include <PubSubClient.h>
# include <AutoConnect.h>
# define PARAM_FILE " / param.json"
# define AUX_MQTTSETTING " / mqtt_setting"
# define AUX_MQTTSAVE " / mqtt_save"
# define AUX_MQTTCLEAR " / mqtt_clear"
// Adjusting WebServer class with between ESP8266 and ESP32.
# if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
typedef ESP8266WebServer WiFiWebServer ;
# elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
typedef WebServer WiFiWebServer ;
# endif
AutoConnect portal ;
AutoConnectConfig config ;
WiFiClient wifiClient ;
PubSubClient mqttClient ( wifiClient ) ;
String serverName ;
String channelId ;
String userKey ;
String apiKey ;
String apid ;
String hostName ;
unsigned int updateInterval = 0 ;
unsigned long lastPub = 0 ;
# define MQTT_USER_ID "anyone"
bool mqttConnect ( ) {
static const char alphanum [ ] = " 0123456789 "
" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz " ; // For random generation of client ID.
char clientId [ 9 ] ;
uint8_t retry = 3 ;
while ( ! mqttClient . connected ( ) ) {
if ( serverName . length ( ) < = 0 )
break ;
mqttClient . setServer ( serverName . c_str ( ) , 1883 ) ;
Serial . println ( String ( " Attempting MQTT broker: " ) + serverName ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + ) {
clientId [ i ] = alphanum [ random ( 62 ) ] ;
clientId [ 8 ] = ' \0 ' ;
if ( mqttClient . connect ( clientId , MQTT_USER_ID , userKey . c_str ( ) ) ) {
Serial . println ( " Established: " + String ( clientId ) ) ;
return true ;
} else {
Serial . println ( " Connection failed: " + String ( mqttClient . state ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! - - retry )
break ;
delay ( 3000 ) ;
return false ;
void mqttPublish ( String msg ) {
String path = String ( " channels/ " ) + channelId + String ( " /publish/ " ) + apiKey ;
mqttClient . publish ( path . c_str ( ) , msg . c_str ( ) ) ;
int getStrength ( uint8_t points ) {
uint8_t sc = points ;
long rssi = 0 ;
while ( sc - - ) {
rssi + = WiFi . RSSI ( ) ;
delay ( 20 ) ;
return points ? static_cast < int > ( rssi / points ) : 0 ;
String loadParams ( AutoConnectAux & aux , PageArgument & args ) {
( void ) ( args ) ;
File param = SPIFFS . open ( PARAM_FILE , " r " ) ;
if ( param ) {
aux . loadElement ( param ) ;
param . close ( ) ;
Serial . println ( PARAM_FILE " open failed " ) ;
return String ( " " ) ;
String saveParams ( AutoConnectAux & aux , PageArgument & args ) {
serverName = args . arg ( " mqttserver " ) ;
serverName . trim ( ) ;
channelId = args . arg ( " channelid " ) ;
channelId . trim ( ) ;
userKey = args . arg ( " userkey " ) ;
userKey . trim ( ) ;
apiKey = args . arg ( " apikey " ) ;
apiKey . trim ( ) ;
String upd = args . arg ( " period " ) ;
updateInterval = upd . substring ( 0 , 2 ) . toInt ( ) * 1000 ;
String uniqueid = args . arg ( " uniqueid " ) ;
hostName = args . arg ( " hostname " ) ;
hostName . trim ( ) ;
// The entered value is owned by AutoConnectAux of /mqtt_setting.
// To retrieve the elements of /mqtt_setting, it is necessary to get
// the AutoConnectAux object of /mqtt_setting.
File param = SPIFFS . open ( PARAM_FILE , " w " ) ;
portal . aux ( " /mqtt_setting " ) - > saveElement ( param , { " mqttserver " , " channelid " , " userkey " , " apikey " , " period " , " uniqueid " , " hostname " } ) ;
param . close ( ) ;
// Echo back saved parameters to AutoConnectAux page.
AutoConnectText & echo = aux . getElement < AutoConnectText > ( " parameters " ) ;
echo . value = " Server: " + serverName + " <br> " ;
echo . value + = " Channel ID: " + channelId + " <br> " ;
echo . value + = " User Key: " + userKey + " <br> " ;
echo . value + = " API Key: " + apiKey + " <br> " ;
echo . value + = " Update period: " + String ( updateInterval / 1000 ) + " sec.<br> " ;
echo . value + = " Use APID unique: " + uniqueid + " <br> " ;
echo . value + = " ESP host name: " + hostName + " <br> " ;
return String ( " " ) ;
void handleRoot ( ) {
String content =
" <html> "
" <head> "
" <meta name= \" viewport \" content= \" width=device-width, initial-scale=1 \" > "
" </head> "
" <body> "
" <iframe width= \" 450 \" height= \" 260 \" style= \" transform:scale(0.79);-o-transform:scale(0.79);-webkit-transform:scale(0.79);-moz-transform:scale(0.79);-ms-transform:scale(0.79);transform-origin:0 0;-o-transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;-moz-transform-origin:0 0;-ms-transform-origin:0 0;border: 1px solid #cccccc; \" src= \" https://thingspeak.com/channels/454951/charts/1?bgcolor=%23ffffff&color=%23d62020&dynamic=true&type=line \" ></iframe> "
" <p style= \" padding-top:10px;text-align:center \" > " AUTOCONNECT_LINK ( COG_24 ) " </p> "
" </body> "
" </html> " ;
WiFiWebServer & webServer = portal . host ( ) ;
webServer . send ( 200 , " text/html " , content ) ;
// Clear channel using Thingspeak's API.
void handleClearChannel ( ) {
HTTPClient httpClient ;
WiFiClient client ;
String endpoint = serverName ;
endpoint . replace ( " mqtt " , " api " ) ;
String delUrl = " http:// " + endpoint + " /channels/ " + channelId + " /feeds.json?api_key= " + userKey ;
Serial . print ( " DELETE " + delUrl ) ;
if ( httpClient . begin ( client , delUrl ) ) {
Serial . print ( " : " ) ;
int resCode = httpClient . sendRequest ( " DELETE " ) ;
String res = httpClient . getString ( ) ;
httpClient . end ( ) ;
Serial . println ( String ( resCode ) + " , " + res ) ;
Serial . println ( " failed " ) ;
// Returns the redirect response. The page is reloaded and its contents
// are updated to the state after deletion.
WiFiWebServer & webServer = portal . host ( ) ;
webServer . sendHeader ( " Location " , String ( " http:// " ) + webServer . client ( ) . localIP ( ) . toString ( ) + String ( " / " ) ) ;
webServer . send ( 302 , " text/plain " , " " ) ;
webServer . client ( ) . flush ( ) ;
webServer . client ( ) . stop ( ) ;
// Load AutoConnectAux JSON from SPIFFS.
bool loadAux ( const String auxName ) {
bool rc = false ;
String fn = auxName + " .json " ;
File fs = SPIFFS . open ( fn . c_str ( ) , " r " ) ;
if ( fs ) {
rc = portal . load ( fs ) ;
fs . close ( ) ;
Serial . println ( " SPIFFS open failed: " + fn ) ;
return rc ;
void setup ( ) {
delay ( 1000 ) ;
Serial . begin ( 115200 ) ;
Serial . println ( ) ;
SPIFFS . begin ( ) ;
loadAux ( AUX_MQTTSAVE ) ;
AutoConnectAux * setting = portal . aux ( AUX_MQTTSETTING ) ;
if ( setting ) {
PageArgument args ;
loadParams ( * setting , args ) ;
AutoConnectCheckbox & uniqueidElm = setting - > getElement < AutoConnectCheckbox > ( " uniqueid " ) ;
AutoConnectInput & hostnameElm = setting - > getElement < AutoConnectInput > ( " hostname " ) ;
if ( uniqueidElm . checked ) {
config . apid = String ( " ESP " ) + " - " + String ( GET_CHIPID ( ) , HEX ) ;
Serial . println ( " apid set to " + config . apid ) ;
if ( hostnameElm . value . length ( ) ) {
config . hostName = hostnameElm . value ;
Serial . println ( " hostname set to " + config . hostName ) ;
config . bootUri = AC_ONBOOTURI_HOME ;
config . homeUri = " / " ;
portal . config ( config ) ;
portal . on ( AUX_MQTTSETTING , loadParams ) ;
portal . on ( AUX_MQTTSAVE , saveParams ) ;
Serial . println ( " aux. load error " ) ;
Serial . print ( " WiFi " ) ;
if ( portal . begin ( ) ) {
Serial . println ( " connected: " + WiFi . SSID ( ) ) ;
Serial . println ( " IP: " + WiFi . localIP ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
} else {
Serial . println ( " connection failed: " + String ( WiFi . status ( ) ) ) ;
while ( 1 ) {
delay ( 100 ) ;
yield ( ) ;
WiFiWebServer & webServer = portal . host ( ) ;
webServer . on ( " / " , handleRoot ) ;
webServer . on ( AUX_MQTTCLEAR , handleClearChannel ) ;
void loop ( ) {
portal . handleClient ( ) ;
if ( updateInterval > 0 ) {
if ( millis ( ) - lastPub > updateInterval ) {
if ( ! mqttClient . connected ( ) ) {
mqttConnect ( ) ;
String item = String ( " field1= " ) + String ( getStrength ( 7 ) ) ;
mqttPublish ( item ) ;
mqttClient . loop ( ) ;
lastPub = millis ( ) ;