- Fixed crash in some environments. Thank you @ageurtse
- Supports AutoConnect menu extention by user sketch with **AutoConnectAux**.
- Supports loading and saving of user-defined parameters with JSON format.
- Improved the WiFi connection sequence at the first WiFi.begin. Even if [**AutoConnectConfig::autoReconnect**](api.md#autoreconnect) is disabled when SSID and PSK are not specified, it will use the information of the last established access point. The autoReconnect option will achieve trying the connect after a previous connection failed.
- Supports the [**AutoConnectConfig::immediateStart**](api.md#immediatestart) option and immediately starts the portal without first trying WiFi.begin. You can start the captive portal at any time in combination with the [**AutoConnectConfig::autoRise**](api.md#autorise) option.
- Improved boot uri after reset. [**AutoConnectConfig::bootUri**](api.md#booturi) can be specified either /_ac or HOME path as the uri to be accessed after invoking Reset from AutoConnect menu.
- Improved source code placement of predefined macros. Defined common macros have been moved to ```AutoConnectDefs.h```.
- Supports [**AutoConnectConfig::hostName**](api.md#hostname). It activates ```WiFi.hostname()```/```WiFi.setHostName()```.
- Supports AutoConnectConfig::autoReconnect option, it will scan the WLAN when it can not connect to the default SSID, apply the applicable credentials if it is saved, and try reconnecting.