FSWebServer - Example WebServer with SPIFFS backend for esp8266
Copyright ( c ) 2015 Hristo Gochkov . All rights reserved .
This file is part of the ESP8266WebServer library for Arduino environment .
This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2.1 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin St , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 USA
upload the contents of the data folder with MkSPIFFS Tool ( " ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload " in Tools menu in Arduino IDE )
or you can upload the contents of a folder if you CD in that folder and run the following command :
for file in ` \ ls - A1 ` ; do curl - F " file=@$PWD/$file " esp8266fs . local / edit ; done
access the sample web page at http : //esp8266fs.local
edit the page by going to http : //esp8266fs.local/edit
# if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
# include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
# include <WiFiClient.h>
# include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
# include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
# include <FS.h>
# elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
# include <WiFi.h>
# include <WiFiClient.h>
# include <WebServer.h>
# include <ESPmDNS.h>
# include <SPIFFS.h>
# endif
//Add a below line for AutoConnect.
# include <AutoConnect.h>
# define DBG_OUTPUT_PORT Serial
const char * ssid = " wifi-ssid " ;
const char * password = " wifi-password " ;
# if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
const char * host = " esp8266fs " ;
ESP8266WebServer server ( 80 ) ;
# elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
const char * host = " esp32fs " ;
WebServer server ( 80 ) ;
# endif
//Add a below line for AutoConnect.
AutoConnect portal ( server ) ;
AutoConnectConfig config ;
AutoConnectAux FSBedit ( " /edit " , " Edit " ) ;
AutoConnectAux FSBlist ( " /list?dir= \" / \" " , " List " ) ;
//holds the current upload
File fsUploadFile ;
//format bytes
String formatBytes ( size_t bytes ) {
if ( bytes < 1024 ) {
return String ( bytes ) + " B " ;
} else if ( bytes < ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) {
return String ( bytes / 1024.0 ) + " KB " ;
} else if ( bytes < ( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) {
return String ( bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0 ) + " MB " ;
} else {
return String ( bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 ) + " GB " ;
String getContentType ( String filename ) {
if ( server . hasArg ( " download " ) ) {
return " application/octet-stream " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .htm " ) ) {
return " text/html " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .html " ) ) {
return " text/html " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .css " ) ) {
return " text/css " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .js " ) ) {
return " application/javascript " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .png " ) ) {
return " image/png " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .gif " ) ) {
return " image/gif " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .jpg " ) ) {
return " image/jpeg " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .ico " ) ) {
return " image/x-icon " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .xml " ) ) {
return " text/xml " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .pdf " ) ) {
return " application/x-pdf " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .zip " ) ) {
return " application/x-zip " ;
} else if ( filename . endsWith ( " .gz " ) ) {
return " application/x-gzip " ;
return " text/plain " ;
bool handleFileRead ( String path ) {
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . println ( " handleFileRead: " + path ) ;
if ( path . endsWith ( " / " ) ) {
path + = " index.htm " ;
String contentType = getContentType ( path ) ;
String pathWithGz = path + " .gz " ;
if ( SPIFFS . exists ( pathWithGz ) | | SPIFFS . exists ( path ) ) {
if ( SPIFFS . exists ( pathWithGz ) ) {
path + = " .gz " ;
File file = SPIFFS . open ( path , " r " ) ;
server . streamFile ( file , contentType ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
void handleFileUpload ( ) {
if ( server . uri ( ) ! = " /edit " ) {
return ;
HTTPUpload & upload = server . upload ( ) ;
if ( upload . status = = UPLOAD_FILE_START ) {
String filename = upload . filename ;
if ( ! filename . startsWith ( " / " ) ) {
filename = " / " + filename ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . print ( " handleFileUpload Name: " ) ; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . println ( filename ) ;
fsUploadFile = SPIFFS . open ( filename , " w " ) ;
filename = String ( ) ;
} else if ( upload . status = = UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE ) {
//DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print("handleFileUpload Data: "); DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.println(upload.currentSize);
if ( fsUploadFile ) {
fsUploadFile . write ( upload . buf , upload . currentSize ) ;
} else if ( upload . status = = UPLOAD_FILE_END ) {
if ( fsUploadFile ) {
fsUploadFile . close ( ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . print ( " handleFileUpload Size: " ) ; DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . println ( upload . totalSize ) ;
void handleFileDelete ( ) {
if ( server . args ( ) = = 0 ) {
return server . send ( 500 , " text/plain " , " BAD ARGS " ) ;
String path = server . arg ( 0 ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . println ( " handleFileDelete: " + path ) ;
if ( path = = " / " ) {
return server . send ( 500 , " text/plain " , " BAD PATH " ) ;
if ( ! SPIFFS . exists ( path ) ) {
return server . send ( 404 , " text/plain " , " FileNotFound " ) ;
SPIFFS . remove ( path ) ;
server . send ( 200 , " text/plain " , " " ) ;
path = String ( ) ;
void handleFileCreate ( ) {
if ( server . args ( ) = = 0 ) {
return server . send ( 500 , " text/plain " , " BAD ARGS " ) ;
String path = server . arg ( 0 ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . println ( " handleFileCreate: " + path ) ;
if ( path = = " / " ) {
return server . send ( 500 , " text/plain " , " BAD PATH " ) ;
if ( SPIFFS . exists ( path ) ) {
return server . send ( 500 , " text/plain " , " FILE EXISTS " ) ;
File file = SPIFFS . open ( path , " w " ) ;
if ( file ) {
file . close ( ) ;
} else {
return server . send ( 500 , " text/plain " , " CREATE FAILED " ) ;
server . send ( 200 , " text/plain " , " " ) ;
path = String ( ) ;
void handleFileList ( ) {
if ( ! server . hasArg ( " dir " ) ) {
server . send ( 500 , " text/plain " , " BAD ARGS " ) ;
return ;
String path = server . arg ( " dir " ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . println ( " handleFileList: " + path ) ;
# if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
Dir dir = SPIFFS . openDir ( path ) ;
# elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
File root = SPIFFS . open ( path ) ;
# endif
path = String ( ) ;
String output = " [ " ;
# if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
while ( dir . next ( ) ) {
File entry = dir . openFile ( " r " ) ;
if ( output ! = " [ " ) {
output + = ' , ' ;
bool isDir = false ;
output + = " { \" type \" : \" " ;
output + = ( isDir ) ? " dir " : " file " ;
output + = " \" , \" name \" : \" " ;
output + = String ( entry . name ( ) ) . substring ( 1 ) ;
output + = " \" } " ;
entry . close ( ) ;
# elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
if ( root . isDirectory ( ) ) {
File file = root . openNextFile ( ) ;
while ( file ) {
if ( output ! = " [ " ) {
output + = ' , ' ;
output + = " { \" type \" : \" " ;
output + = ( file . isDirectory ( ) ) ? " dir " : " file " ;
output + = " \" , \" name \" : \" " ;
output + = String ( file . name ( ) ) . substring ( 1 ) ;
output + = " \" } " ;
file = root . openNextFile ( ) ;
# endif
output + = " ] " ;
server . send ( 200 , " text/json " , output ) ;
void setup ( void ) {
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . begin ( 115200 ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . print ( " \n " ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . setDebugOutput ( true ) ;
SPIFFS . begin ( ) ;
# if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
Dir dir = SPIFFS . openDir ( " / " ) ;
while ( dir . next ( ) ) {
String fileName = dir . fileName ( ) ;
size_t fileSize = dir . fileSize ( ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . printf ( " FS File: %s, size: %s \n " , fileName . c_str ( ) , formatBytes ( fileSize ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
# elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
File root = SPIFFS . open ( " / " ) ;
File file = root . openNextFile ( ) ;
while ( file ) {
String fileName = file . name ( ) ;
size_t fileSize = file . size ( ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . printf ( " FS File: %s, size: %s \n " , fileName . c_str ( ) , formatBytes ( fileSize ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
file = root . openNextFile ( ) ;
# endif
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . printf ( " \n " ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . printf ( " Connecting to %s \n " , ssid ) ;
//Comment out as follows to make AutoConnect recognition.
//if (String(WiFi.SSID()) != String(ssid)) {
// WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);
// WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
//while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
// delay(500);
// DBG_OUTPUT_PORT.print(".");
//list directory
server . on ( " /list " , HTTP_GET , handleFileList ) ;
//load editor
server . on ( " /edit " , HTTP_GET , [ ] ( ) {
if ( ! handleFileRead ( " /edit.htm " ) ) {
server . send ( 404 , " text/plain " , " FileNotFound " ) ;
} ) ;
//create file
server . on ( " /edit " , HTTP_PUT , handleFileCreate ) ;
//delete file
server . on ( " /edit " , HTTP_DELETE , handleFileDelete ) ;
//first callback is called after the request has ended with all parsed arguments
//second callback handles file uploads at that location
server . on ( " /edit " , HTTP_POST , [ ] ( ) {
server . send ( 200 , " text/plain " , " " ) ;
} , handleFileUpload ) ;
//called when the url is not defined here
//use it to load content from SPIFFS
//Replacement as follows to make AutoConnect recognition.
portal . onNotFound ( [ ] ( ) {
if ( ! handleFileRead ( server . uri ( ) ) )
server . send ( 404 , " text/plain " , " FileNotFound " ) ;
} ) ;
//get heap status, analog input value and all GPIO statuses in one json call
server . on ( " /all " , HTTP_GET , [ ] ( ) {
String json = " { " ;
json + = " \" heap \" : " + String ( ESP . getFreeHeap ( ) ) ;
json + = " , \" analog \" : " + String ( analogRead ( A0 ) ) ;
# if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266)
json + = " , \" gpio \" : " + String ( ( uint32_t ) ( ( ( GPI | GPO ) & 0xFFFF ) | ( ( GP16I & 0x01 ) < < 16 ) ) ) ;
# elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
json + = " , \" gpio \" : " + String ( ( uint32_t ) ( 0 ) ) ;
# endif
json + = " } " ;
server . send ( 200 , " text/json " , json ) ;
json = String ( ) ;
} ) ;
//Set menu title
config . title = " FSBrowser " ;
portal . config ( config ) ;
//Register AutoConnect menu
portal . join ( { FSBedit , FSBlist } ) ;
//Replacement as follows to make AutoConnect recognition.
portal . begin ( ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . println ( " HTTP server started " ) ;
//Relocation as follows to make AutoConnect recognition.
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . println ( " " ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . print ( " Connected! IP address: " ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . println ( WiFi . localIP ( ) ) ;
//Relocation as follows to make AutoConnect recognition.
if ( MDNS . begin ( host ) ) {
MDNS . addService ( " http " , " tcp " , 80 ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . print ( " Open http:// " ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . print ( host ) ;
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . println ( " .local/edit to see the file browser " ) ;
else {
DBG_OUTPUT_PORT . print ( " mDNS start failed " ) ;
void loop ( void ) {
//Replacement as follows to make AutoConnect recognition.
portal . handleClient ( ) ;
# ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266
MDNS . update ( ) ;
# endif